
Remove a finger wart with a banana peel

Warts are common skin growths caused by HPV, or the human papillomavirus. The virus causes the cells on the outer layer of skin to grow rapidly, which produces the fleshy bumps known as warts. According to, warts usually disappear on their own without any treatment. Because they can cause embarrassment; however, many people choose to expedite the healing process by using over-the-counter and natural remedies. Banana peels, for example, are commonly used to help get rid of warts faster. The use of natural remedies is not supported by clinical research.

There are many ways to remove warts, such as freezing them off; surgically removing them; or burning them off with salicylic acid, used in wart-removal remedies. There are also natural and less costly methods of removing warts, from using vinegar to covering them with duct tape. One of them most unusual ways is to use a banana: I first heard this method from my dermatologist, and it works.

Don’t use just any banana: green or slightly yellow-green ones are the best. A banana’s moisture will soften a wart, allowing the banana’s virus-killing enzymes to penetrate down to the root of it. As bananas age, the enzymes in the skin break down the starches and fibers that are useful for killing viruses.

Method according to lifehack
1) Soak the area around the wart for ten minutes—this softens the dead skin covering the wart and speeds up the process.

2) Use a pumice stone to remove the loose dead skin. Keep removing dead skin until it gets sensitive.

3) Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the wart.

4) Cut a piece of banana peel large enough to cover the wart, and place soft side down.

5) Hold the banana skin in place with a bandage.

6) Replace the banana skin when it dries out.

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