
Healing Swollen Limbs: Here are 6 ways to do it Natural

There are few physical ailments as simultaneously uncomfortable and as difficult to deal with as having swollen feet, ankles and legs, and with our increasingly sedentary world, more and more of us find ourselves suffering from them. While we should always check with a doctor to make sure our swelling limbs aren’t indicating a larger problem, there are many ways we can find relief with natural, DIY methods that treat the kind of fluid build-up that comes from travel, long days sitting at a desk, or even pregnancy. Check out this list of ways from Complete Health and Happiness to bring some relief to your limbs.

1.Prop your legs up
                                                                      Orlando Florin Rosu via Dollar Photo Club

The same go-to remedy for injuries works well for swollen limbs, too! Keeping your legs elevated for 30 minutes a day helps your body drain the excess fluids that can be the cause of swelling.

2.Drink a lot of water
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The liquid of life really does help most ailments, and swollen legs and feet are no exception. Making sure to stay properly hydrated helps your tissues stay healthy and prevents the build-up of swelling toxins.

3.Soak in Epsom salts.
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The most helpful thing about Epsom salts is how much better they’ll make your feet and legs feel. Add them to a soak and relax!

4.Take some magnesium
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Magnesium is a vital but often-overlooked element, important to heart health, your immune system, and preventing inflammation. While you can always take supplements, you can also find magnesium in whole grains, beans, nuts, eggs, yogurt, low-fat milk, dark leafy green vegetables, fish, lean meats and poultry.

5.Apply apple cider vinegar

Like we needed another reason to love this pantry staple! Its ability to absorb fluids means it can help relieve pain and get rid of excess fluid in your limbs when you rub it into your skin.

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The best way to prevent fluids from building up in your body is to get moving and get your blood flowing! Swimming is especially helpful and therapeutic, but yoga, jogging, and walking are also wonderful. Just get your heart pumping and don’t sit still for too long.

There are even more ways to do it so if you want to discover more home remedies for swollen legs, ankles and feet? Be sure to head on over to Complete Health and Happiness to see the rest of their recommendations! Have you ever tried any of your own? Tell us in the comments what you do to relieve the pain!

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